Tag Archive - editing

The difficult second album

7 June 2009 by , No Comments

I don’t think the problems we are having finalizing ours are what most people mean when they talk about the difficult second album. Playing completely free and being open to whatever develops musically, we are not really trying to outdo what we achieved in our first one, or concerned about it being the same but different. For us it’s a different day with a different drummer so there’s a different outcome. So far so good!

The main problem we do have is trying to make sense of the huge 3.5 hours of music we recorded with Evan back in January. It doesn’t sound like that much but believe me it is…. Want to listen through the whole session twice? That’s the best part of a working day right there! As you can imagine it’s really hard to stay objective and even remember the stuff you liked over that time period . Because of all this we weren’t really getting anywhere individually so we spent a big chunk of today going over it together. We’ve now got some clarity about what to include – or at least what not to include.

The second problem is that we recorded a really diverse range of stuff that day; from very minimal almost electronic and static sounding textures, to quite massive sounding weird art rock, plus much that lies between the two. Bringing all this together in one album, plus combining 5 minute pop songs (not literally, you’ll not be hearing us on 2day fm anytime soon…) with 20 minute soundscapes is proving much harder that we thought. And we haven’t even started to mix it yet…

We’ll keep you posted.