Forenzics to support seminal UK act – The A Band

Flyer for seminal UK free improvisation collective The A Band. Featuring supports Forenzics, Violence in Action and Hinterlandt. Tone, 16 Wentworth Ave, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia. 5th April 2011
Thanks to the wonderful guys over at Bird’s Robe, we are proud to support seminal UK free improvisation collective The A Band. More info to come…
The Sounds Unsound Presents….
…a night of improvised, experimental or just plain weird music featuring Forenzics, Jusgo Mosh, UND and Espadrille. Tuesday January 25th 2011 at The Excelsior Hotel, 64 Foveaux St Surry Hills. Doors open at 8pm. Tickets are $10 on the door.
To listen and download free tracks by the artists click this link.
For more info including running times, details of the bands, and to RSVP go to the Facebook Event Here.
Static and Silence Album Launch – AWESOME!
Thanks to everyone who made it down to the Static and SIlence Album Launch, we had a blast! Defektro started off the night in great style with his solo noise show – moving from ambient to drone to full on noise with the aid of bizarre hand crafted instruments played through his huge array of effects. Very very impressive. Check him out if you get a chance!
Following up we had the experimental noise pop of Newcastle’s Crab Smasher, definitely a band after our own hearts, playing an intense and almost punk inspired (post-punk anyone…) set with drums, guitar, bass, keys and occasional vocals.
Varlets were next and made a hell of a lot of noise for a two piece playing a very short crunchy crowd pleasing set with drums, guitar and mixing desk (yes mixing desk…).
We were last up and I could not be happier with our show, I felt we really gelled and were as together as we’ve ever been playing experimental improvised music in Forenzics. Thanks to everyone who hung around to the end of our set, I know midnight is pretty late on a school night.
Also thanks to Sue at the Excelsior for booking us, Dylan for mixing us, Tim for his lighting wizardry, Ed for his video work, and Michelle for the thankless task of selling our stuff on the night.
I’ll be posting some video and possibly a link to a review over the next few days.
Once again thanks for making it such an excellent night!
Static and Silence Album Launch Poster and Details
We’ve finalised the line up for the album launch with the addition of the excellently noisy Defektro from Japan, founding member of the infamous Defektro Noise Army. He’ll be starting at 8.30pm sharp so don’t be late! Also adding to the mayhem will be Crab Smasher from Newcastle, local lads Varlets and of course Forenzics, for this performance consisting of Matthew Syres – guitar, Dirk Kruithof – guitar/vox, Joe Cummins – Trumpet/Kaoss and Evan McGregor – Drums.
All the other details are still the same: Wednesday 17th February, The Excelsior Hotel, 64 Foveaux Street, Surry Hills, 8pm to midnight.
So if you like noise/drone/improvised/ambient/experimental or just plain f**ked up music then this is the gig for you.
Static and Silence Album Launch Announced
We’re pleased to announce that Forenzics will launch our new album Static and Silence on Wednesday the 17th February, at The Excelsior Hotel (64 Foveaux Street Surry Hills) with supports Crabsmasher (Newcastle) and Varlets, with more to be announced. Come along, we’ll be selling the new disc on the night for a special discount price to celebrate!