Tag Archive - audio

The Sounds Unsound #6 Audio Teaser

8 October 2015 by , No Comments

Have a listen to a track from each of the five acts playing The Sounds Unsound #6 on the 24th October 2015.  These are all available for free download as mp3’s for a limited time so enjoy.  For more info or audio check out the links above each track.



Abre Ojos

Sound Object


New audio player for H3O Tracks

28 October 2009 by , No Comments

Check out the new look music page. No more messing around with quicktime for all you PC types. Should also make it much easier for us to add new tracks both for streaming and download.

Mixing static and silence… at last

21 September 2009 by , No Comments

An intent Jorden Brebach during our mixing session in the Orange Room on Saturday.

We’ve finally managed to nail down the incredibly busy Jorden Brebach to begin mixing our second album. We’re almost half way through the 5 track CD which is almost certainly to be titled Static and Silence. Some teaser tracks to come in the next few weeks…