Updated Website Design

The observant among you will have noticed some changes here at Forenzics HQ. Finally updated the look from the Static and Silence era and have added a couple of pages and some better functionality overall. The image is one of a series we shot on a rooftop with the talented Rowena Clarke, have a look at her other work. We’ll be using the images across our entire web presence over the next week or so. It should also be much easier to comment now using your existing social media profiles so let me know what you think of the changes. We will eventually completely change entire the look and functionality of the site when we get the time – two weeks before the launch of a new album is not that time!
Brand New Forenzics Website
As promised in my last blog post, finally got the official forenzics site up and running. Direct link to the new site is www.forenzics.net and to this blog forenzics.net. There’s also a feed from the blog on the new site so you can keep up to date from the one spot. I’m still tweaking some things but it’s all pretty much there now. Go have a look and feel free to comment – now that you can!
Forenzics Have A Whole New Look!
I’ve finally got around to reworking this site to reflect our latest release – Static and Silence. I had planned to get this happening for the release date but was too swamped at the time to complete it – and figure out all the insane workarounds that come with the iweb territory. I believe things are better in the latest version, though I don’t have it yet.
I’ve also completely redesigned (can you redesign it when you didn’t design it in the first place?) our myspace page along similar lines, complete with a live shot of us at the album launch – courtesy of hopliteandpackhorse. I used one of the templates and followed the instructions available from myspace band support, a great resource for the html challenged like me. So if you’re sick of your current site give it a go – if I can do it almost anyone can.
In the near future I’ll be replacing the image and video pages with feeds from our flickr and youtube (or possibly vimeo) pages, saving much double handling and also allowing access to great looking and sounding HD videos right here.
Should be lots more posts coming in the next week or so, including the sounds unsound festival wrap up, our latest gig at the Excelsior Hotel, drummers and more…
Problems with this new fangled electric internet thingy
Updating the blog is all very well but I realize that actually uploading the pages is the largely vital part of the process that I’ve been very slack about.
Hence the swag of new posts going back a ways. Will try to keep things more up to date…